Since I'm done with studying and I'm jut waiting for my certificates it's time for a short throw back.
I will consider the three parts of my time overseas:
1) Organizing of the double degree agreement, fit into my life
2) University, life as a student
3) Free time/ Semester Break and travel
1) Organizing of the double degree agreement, fit into my life
I can remember the first time at universty when I was interested in going overseas for an exchange semester. It was the very first day- the welcome of the newstudents where returned outgoings of RAC shared their experiences in their stay overseas.
And as you can see I went overseas. Not straight away- as I would have loved to- but I went in my very last year of studying at RAC.
I also thought about going to Portugal or any other ERASMUS funded country because of shortness of money ( I thought it's too expensive but NO it's good to invest into education that improves your personality, employability and broaden your horizon)
Anyway- in the end I decided not to go for a simple exchange semester- I went for a whole year (which is obviously even more expensive but yeah tht's life- nothing is for free)
As soon as I knew I'll be the first one of RAC going to Australia for one year I was expecting a lot of mess oranizing this year.
Theory is fine- the program and its claims is on paper since 2017 but execution is a different thing.
I was a bit right but all in all everyone was involved in the process and willing to send me overseas for one year. Everything worked out well.
Everyone was excited- yaas finally the first student is going for a year. (Also interesting - this article : )
I think I did the right thing. I'm open-minded, relaxed, simple and I love to learn something new and also adventures.
I even thought about staying in Australia and work there. Start a life on the other side of the workd. Just me.
But because I love my family and friends as well as some german habits and mainly because of the pandemic situation this thought is on hold. or postponed for now.
Let's see what the future has in mind for me.
2) University, life as a student
USC is great university! Really! Super organized, well looked after their students, always happy to help.
Also teaching and especially what I experienced is - learning for a life time!
To be honest I have the feeling that I've learned more (including still remember it) in this year than ever in school.
The pratice related lerning is focused in their teaching style (pedagogy). This helps to relate cases to other situations in life and will be remembered for a longer period of time.
Living with a family was the best decision I made -EVER-
I experiened a real life in Australia as I would live there not as an exchange student for a period of time.
No, I got an insight of a family life! Such a great choice.
I also lived a bit of the student life because of my friends who lived at the student accommodations. So I went to their house whenever I wanted to.
I'm proud of myself that I took that risk to try it. I wasn't sceptical but I was a bit unsure if that's gonna be the right decision.
Ahh never mind. If it would have been wrong- I could have left and look for another place to stay.Finding a place to stay is pretty easy.
But it was the perfect combination- for me- I would know a friend who once said to me: "Trish- that would be a nightmare for me to live like you do." It's okay. I respect tht. And I can understand it, too.
3) Free time/ Semester Break and travel
To be honest I took uni very serious. Maybe a bit too serious. I had the feeling of not having a lot of free time because of cousereadings, assignments, learning new vocabularies,...
But I received good marks- so it was worth it to study hard. And I had free time- I just had to structure my day.
Thats what I did differently in the second semester. I still studied hard but I structured my day better so that I had fun time, too.
Arriving in winter (July) and spending the 4 months semester break (Nov-March) was great. I could travel in the break, celebrating christmas and new years eve in Australia and not searching for an excuse for family and friends that I'll travel after the semester finished instead of going home straight away.
Travelling in summer was really hot though. But it was worth it. I've seen a lot of Australia and I was lucky that COVID-19 started just when I strted with my second semester.
I was really lucky.
So all in all it was NOT a holiday- as lot of people think if I tell them that I was in Australia for a year.
It was studying hard and as a reward good marks including expensive fun time.
I can definetly recommend everyone to go overseas at least for one semester or a few months of downtime. It opens your mindset about our culture, habits and other personalities.
But also cultures other countries/peopel, habits or approaches to live.
You'll experience different perspectives you can think about life and YOU personally- YOU will grow in more than just one direction.
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